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Holy Over Common in Your Wellness Journey

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Author: Shaela Daugherty , Founder & CEO: SD Fitness + Wellness

The other day I was reading in Ezekiel (anyone else read that book for fun? No? Just me?) and a verse struck me. Ezekiel 22:26 “Her priests do violence to my instruction and profane my holy things. They make no distinction between the holy and the common, and they do not explain the difference between the clean and the unclean. They close their eyes to my Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.”


Delightful, yes? If you’ve never read the book of Ezekiel, here’s the overall gist: God uses a man named Ezekiel as a prophet to Jerusalem during their fall in 586 BC. The first half of the book is filled with God’s wrath toward His people and WHY that wrath is holy and justified. Around chapter 36 we see a shift of redemption and hope for Israel.


Early on in my fitness career I used the words “holy over common” often. This meant, pursing what was Holy and right in the Kingdom over what was common in culture. But as most things go in life, I kept going, I “forgot” the phrase. I didn’t forget the meaning behind it, and I’ve strived to pursue it and teach my clients to pursue it, but the phrase itself got lost through the years, until the other day.


The Lord prompted me to dig into this deeper. What does Holy over Common PRACTICALLY look like in your health and fitness as it relates to your relationship with Jesus? Let’s break it down below:


Pursing Common looks Like. . .

Waking up to grind and push as hard as you can because culture tells you that’s the only way to achieve your goals 

Relying on yourself alone or others alone to get you through your journey

Every moment you choose to work on your health is because it’s “you” time. Using fitness and health as an escape from reality

Stepping on the scale and wanting to see more progress, not being satisfied with the number because that number represents your worth

Punishing yourself for “falling off the wagon” or reaching for the sweets


Pursuing Holy looks like . . .

Waking up and knowing your body is the first reminder you aren’t God

Inviting Jesus into your journey with you

Every moment you choose to work on your health is a moment of worship to the Father

because you are intentionally sacrificing something else to pursue a healthy body for the Kingdom

Stepping on the scale and not feeling guilty for the number, knowing as long as you are pursuing a holy healthiness, that is true joy in the grand scheme of Heaven

 Choosing foods that honor the body God gave you, but not feeling guilty when you eat something that isn’t as “healthy”


So what is Holy over common in your health journey?

Holy over common means you stop looking to yourself as the end all be all.

You stop placing yourself as number one in your life, you stop looking to what culture has to offer.

You stop trying to do it like that girl over there or over here.

You stop listening to the outside voices and you listen to ONE voice, and no it isn’t yours.

You start looking to the gospel, you start looking to Christ and seeing that your holiness means wholeness.

 You experience God in your body, so there’s a holiness to your health.

Holiness means pursuing God fiercely in every facet of your being and that means your physical health too.


Stop looking to you and around you and start looking up.


Check out the social post here: Holy Over Common

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