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How to Ditch the "Scale Mentality"

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO


When you think of losing weight or your body changing, what is the first thing that comes to mind that helps you track it? For most women, it’s the scale. Almost every woman owns one and stashes it in her bathroom. Let me start out by saying: The scale is not evil. However, it can lead to obsession, disappointment, and frustration.

I have seen firsthand how the scale has been used as a means to measure one’s body image and confidence rather than ones actual weight. As the “body positivity” and “health at every size” movement has blossomed, I’d like to tell you that the scale isn’t as detrimental for most women anymore, but the truth is, it still can be and is depending on your mindset. Here’s a few scenarios I’ve seen before with clients:

  1. They come to me already having issues with the scale – knowing they can’t weigh themselves because they put too much value on what the number on the scale says
  2. They come to me wanting to lose weight, and even though they say they don’t have issues with the scale, when their weight goes up by .1 (that’s POINT one) they get concerned and think their nutrition plan “isn’t working” anymore
  3. They start seeing amazing progress, and when it comes time for them to cycle into a regular maintenance nutrition plan, because the scale fluctuates, they fear they will gain all the weight back and therefore develop a fear of the number changing

All of these scenarios have a few things in common: a lack of education on the body (why the number on the scale can fluctuate), fear from previous health journey trauma (yep, that’s a thing, the yo-yo diet cycle gives women trauma and fears and insecurities they may have never experienced before), and previous disordered eating habits.

None of these issues actually reflect the worth or integrity of you as a person, but most often, in our minds, we see the number on the scale as a reflection of how well the health journey is going. Let me give you a few reasons why the number on the scale isn’t telling you the whole story: 

  1. It doesn’t show body composition, even if it’s a “higher” tech scale, it’s not 100% accurate when it comes to bone, water, muscle, and fat mass.
  2. It doesn’t show you other wins in your health journey (like drinking 60oz of water every day)
  3. It doesn’t measure your kingdom body mindset (what Jesus thinks of you)
  4. The number can change daily depending on: how often you weigh, what time of day, if you’ve pooped, PMS, sodium levels, water levels, etc.
  5. You can be losing inches without the scale showing the loss (this is called body recomposition and it’s a thing)

The scale can be an incredible tool, when used as just a tool. But when it is used as the only measurement of success in the journey, it can lead to disappointment and frustration in your health journey.

So what can you do to change your mindset and ditch the scale mentality all while finding a healthy balance to utilize it for specific goals?

  1. Invite Jesus Into Your Journey: Search the Lord and ask Him where your worth lies in your health and fitness journey. I’m sure this sounds easier said than done, but by simply inviting Him into your journey you are asking Him to be present, to have the voice and truth over your body and wellness, and to show you what you need to see
  2. Establish other ways to check progress: Having alternate ways to check your progress can help you see the bigger picture of your wellness journey, as we've already established, the scale doesn't always tell the full story. I have another blog post here about other ways to track your goals
  3. Work With A Coach: having a coach work with you in your journey and hold you accountable is the number one way you will succeed in your journey. A coach will encourage you in seeing your body through the lens of scripture but also help you re-shape your mentality toward health and fitness, all while reaching your goals in a God-honoring way. You can apply for my individualized coaching program here
  4. Replace Lies With Truth – find scripture in the Bible that speak truth over who you are in Christ as a person and as a follower. Take out an index card, write down the lie – maybe it’s “my body will never be good enough” then you will replace that with a truth from scripture – “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 then write down what that truth means in your own words and for your situation. Do this as many times as needed until all the lies have been replaced with truth from the gospel. 

Here's the thing, if you are getting on the scale daily and obsessing over the numbers, then you most likely have an unhealthy relationship with it. I would suggest letting the scale go for a season and allow God to show you how He desires your body to be. Try implementing one of the four tips above to help you change your mindset toward the scale and your wellness journey. You don't have to be alone in this. I'm here for you, reach out below or through my instagram: @sdfitwell and let's chat! 

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