
Holy Health Habits: Unveiling the Connection Between Spiritual Disciplines and Healthy Living fitnesshabits healthyhabits lifelonghealth

If you prefer to listen you can check out the podcast episode on this topic HERE.

Welcome, fit Family, to an exciting new series on the podcast and blog —Holy Health Habits. In this series, we will explore the vital role that spiritual disciplines play in our health and fitness...

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Does Nutrient Timing Really Matter? healthyhabits healthylifestyle healthytips

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

It was 2014, I was a few months in to doing CrossFit and I was LOVING it. It made me feel so confident and sexy and amazing. I never realized how strong I could be. The deeper I dove into the CrossFit world, the deeper I dove into nutrients and nutrient...

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5 Step Process For Intentionally Building New Health Habits fitnesshabits healthyhabits healthylifestyle

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

What do you first think of when you think of habits? Is it good thoughts or does it leave a bad taste in your mouth?

Maybe when you think about daily practices or daily habits, it feels overwhelming, especially if you are already crazy busy....

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Feel Guilty for Eating Bad Foods healthyhabits healthylifestyle lifelonghealth

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

Often, clients will report “I was bad last night, I did xyz,” and usually it’s in relationship to food. They had ice cream, they ate 2 cookies, they didn’t follow the nutrition plan, or they ate out and didn’t think about...

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3 Reasons a Fitness Challenge Could Change Your Life fitness healthyhabits

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

You may not think something as simple as a fitness challenge could have a significant impact on someone’s life, but it truly does. I build every challenge with the purpose to give every client a jump start in her health and fitness journey.


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Top 3 Tips When Starting a new Fitness & Nutrition Journey bodyhealth easyfitness easyhealth fitness fitnesshabits fitnesstips healthyhabits healthylifestyle healthytips lifelonghealth

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO

Ever started a fitness regiment or set new health goals only to stay strong for a few weeks and then give up or start slacking? You aren’t alone. Just start asking your friends if this has ever happened to them before, chances are almost all of...

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3 Ways to Establish Health & Fitness Habits bodyhealth fitness fitnesshabits goals healthyhabits healthylifestyle totalbodyhealth

Author: Shaela Daugherty, Founder & CEO: SD Fitness + Wellness

When was the last time you thought about your habits? Chances are you have habits every single-day that you do (whether good or bad, known or unknown). Here are some simple habits you may have: you wake up, you go to the bathroom,...

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